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Indie Microblogging Book (Manton Reece): Suggestions and Possible Errata

on NJR's Lists

  • Conclusion
    • 'Bare with me' ➔ 'Bear with me'. Definitely the funniest/raciest typo in the book.
    • I think this is rather a good opening to the conclusion (not the typo; the content of the first section of conclusion!)
    • Breaking up Facebook
      • 'paranoia of' ➔ 'paranoia about', or perhaps 'paranoia regarding' or 'fear of'
      • That Cory Doctorow point about network effects in reverse as people leave Facebook is great. And, of course, we have seen this dramatically with Twitter recently. Might not be worth mentioning parenthetically even in a chapter about Facebook, since it's so graphic, recent and validating. (Though, TBH, there's nowhere natural in the current wording to drop it in; I think it would require a slight rewrite. Possibly something like 'In 2022, in the wake of Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter, we've seen networks effects in reverse: every user who migrated from Twitter to the Fediverse made it easier for their friends and followers to do the same. Cory Doctorow anticipated this when he wrote for the Guardian in Febtuary 2022 about how...'
      • 'but on the problems' ➔ 'but as to the problems'
      • 'Platforms that have as many problems as Facebook does can always be improved' ➔ 'Platforms that have as many problems as Facebook can always be improved'
    • 'There are so many people are on Twitter' ➔ 'Because, there are so many people on Twitter' (Add 'Because'; delete second 'are') Though, in fact, you make almost exactly the same point in the sentence after the quote, so maybe you only need one of the two?
    • 'Bitcoin, untraceable' ➔ 'untraceable Bitcoin wealth' (or currency; or possibly Bitcoins)
    • 'too long ago to be relevant to' ➔ 'too long ago to be fully capable of regulating'
    • 'And too often I think we’ll be disappointed waiting.' ➔ 'Too often I think we’ll be disappointed waiting.' (It's not that I mind starting sentence with 'And': this one just doesn't really seem to follow on that way naturally.)
    • 'the $5 billion fine': you were just talking abot the $1 billion fine. I think there have probably been both. But these feel inconsistent as written.
    • '': maybe hyperlink this, if only because it's hard to read and looks like a typo if you don't realise it's a name of company/website/service!
    • 'for all its problem' ➔ 'for all its problems'
    • 'we still haven’t taken enough advantage of.' ➔ 'still have more to offer.'
      • 'based on massive ad-based networks' ➔ 'based on massive ad networks' [I know what you wrote is probably slightly more accurate; but I think this reads better and is accurate enough!]
      • 'arguing' ➔ 'where he argued' (It's quite a long sentence that's a bit hard to parse. I think this makes it slightly easier. Or you might want to spit the sentence in two.)
      • 'an important part to focus on.' ➔ 'an important part.' or 'an important part on which to focus.'
    • The way out
      • More vertical space after the chapter quote? And right-justify Robert Frost?
      • '...and it’s a fundamental part of the book I’m writing about microblogging.' This feels like an odd statement in the book. Almost as if you copied this from a blog post or something! Maybe 'and it’s a fundamental part of the thesis of this book.'
      • '2-3' ➔ 'two or three' (though this one is less objectionable than the bare '2's dotted about. If you want to leave it as digits, it would be nice to use an en-deash (–) instead of the hyphen (-) for the numeric range.
      • 'and can be complementary' ➔ 'and are complementary'.
    • Sticking to the mission statement
      • 'not knowing which next bug fix moves us closer to our goal': would this be better as 'not knowing which additional feature moves us closer to our goal' (or 'feature request')? It feels to me like bug fixes are pretty much always desirable, at least in principle; it seems like it's feature creep/prioritization that is your real point here, no?
      • This URL is dead. '' (the one linked as 'leaves certain features out on purpose'. In the previous chapter, that same phrase linked to So maybe that's where it's gone?
      • 'We do want the community on to keep growing so that it’s more diverse and valuable to people, and for many more people to start new blogs that we can host on our platform.' This is fine, but I think it failed to deliver its message as clearly as it could. I think this might work better: 'Of cours want the community on to keep growing so that it’s more diverse and valuable to people, but we also want many more people to start new blogs that we can sensibly host on our platform.'
  • Fin ☐︎.